Thursday, December 17, 2009

Nunez: "Iziane does not need to apologize."

The president of Brazilian basketball, Carlos Nunez, states that >Iziane Castro Marques does not need to apologize to anyone in Brazilian basketball to join the women's team.

This all happened when Coach Paulo Bassul replaced Iziane from a game against Belarus - late in the game, when Bassul asked her to return, she refused to go back in. Castro Marques has been asked to return to the Brazilian national team, but she states that she refuses to return as long as Bassul is coach.

Bassul's contract has expired. The cBB, the governing body of Brazilian basketball, has not decided who will coach the women's team - Bassul or someone else.

It's very interesting in Brazil.

(Thanks to Bert at the Painel do Basquete Feminino blog.)

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