Sunday, June 13, 2010

Dream Defeats San Antonio 90-83, Regain Eastern Conference Lead

Great game. Suspenseful and/or fun all the way through. There was a big crowd, the biggest this year. The crowd was having a good time, and the air conditioning didn't hurt, either.

Here's the writeup from the Associated Press.

Pierce W. Huff writes about it in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Definitely an enjoyable night. Dream are 8-3 on the season. On Tuesday we travel to Chicago to, as the heroine of Kill Bill put it, to execute our 'roaring rampage of revenge.'


Anonymous said...

Great game. The 6-0 Dream showed up. Both teams played well and it was fun to watch. I enjoyed many of the hustle plays and the passing was good. When the Dream are enjoying themselves they play better. Overall FT shooting was good also. When the Dream play "Dream" basketball other teams have to work hard and run. Hopefully this win will be followed by many more!

Dreamer said...

We had great PG play from Shalee Lehning: double figure points (perfect from the field) and 8 assists to only 2 turnovers. When she plays that way, this team is hard to beat. May this performance serve as a launching point rather than an anomaly!